Eskisehir Osmangazi University is a regional bigest hospital, because it has the Faculty of Medicine. A total of 30,295 students receive education at this university; 1,383 are foreign students. There are total 30.295 students.
Eskisehir Osmangazi University
Engineering and Architecture Faculty

Aeronautical Engineering
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Chemical Engineering
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Civil engineering
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Computer Engineering
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Electrical and Electronics Engineering
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Geological Engineering
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Industrial Engineering
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Mechanical Engineering
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Metallurgy and Materials Engineering
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Mining Engineering
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Faculty of Art and Design
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Faculty of Dentistry

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Faculty of Education

Computer Education and Instructional Technologies
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Department of Basic Education
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Department of Educational Sciences
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Department of Mathematics and Science Education
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Department of Turkish and Social Sciences
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Foreign Language Education Department
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Special Education Teaching
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Faculty of Theology
Medical School